AlphaBack | July 17–24 Retro

Payments Code Released & Fundraising Continues

Rod Fuentes


Hi Friends 👋 this is a quick weekcap, as we’re heads down building and fundraising.


  • Fundraising. We closed another investor on our YC SAFE, building more momentum on this financing.
  • Allocations. We’re now up to $875,000 in written commitments from investors.
  • Deployed Payments Code. We deployed the code that takes USDC from promoters and distributes payments to users 🎉


  • Analytics. We hypothesized that we could use Google Analytics as a data warehouse for our prototype. While pushing data in has been simple, extracting data has been more complex than expected. We’ll try another approach this coming week. If that does not work, then we’ll need to explore other solutions.

How You Can Help

Thanks again for your ongoing support 🙏

Rod Fuentes
Co-founder, CEO @ AlphaBack — paying users to look at NFTs, with the goal of becoming a DAO-owned ad network.
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Rod Fuentes

Authentic, exited startup founder. Exploring GenAI. Loves: coding, cooking, climbing, and CoLab machine learning 😜